2015.04 | Short course | EGU 2015 |

Hello to everyone,

We will be presenting a Short Course at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly. The course is entitled “Use of 3D point clouds in Geosciences: Acquisition, Processing and Applications

DATE AND PLACE: Monday 13th of April, from 17:30 to 19:30 in room B7.  If you are a PhD student or an Early Stage Researcher, you are welcome to assist.


Introduction to course + speakers (AA+MJ) 5’
1. Short introduction to LiDAR sensors + photogrammetry (MHD) 15’ (20’)
2. Point cloud acquisition, pre-processing and available software (AA) 15’ (35’)
3. 3D geological mapping (FH) 15’ (50’)
——10 min. Pause —— 10’ (1h)
4. Rock structural characterisation (AG) 15’ (1h 15)
5. Monitoring:   Change detection + Deformation (DC) 15’ (1h 30)
6. Perspectives and discussion (AA) 15’ (1h 45)


Some other information can be found here: http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2015/session/19506

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