2018.11 | Call for abstracts EGU session | Landslide investigation using Remote Sensing and Geophysics
Dear colleagues,
The conveners of the always-successful EGU session on Landslides investigation using Remote Sensing and Geophysics were looking for new collaborators for 2019 and I instantaneously volunteer for accepting this responsibility with great pleasure 🙂 Big thanks from here to the previous conveners of the session for their successful management of the session during all this years and for facilitating a smooth transition during the next years. So it is an honour to invite you to submit an abstract for the rejuvenated EGU Session on: LAndslide investigation using Remote seNsINg and Geophysics (LeARNING). Conveners: Antonio Abellan, Janusz Wasowski, Masahiro Chigira, André Stumpf, Jan Burjanek |
As guest speaker for the session, we invited prof. Denis Jongmans, from the Risks and Environmental Geophysics research group (Polytech Grenoble – Université J. Fourier). While two of the previous conveners (prof. Janusz Wasowski and prof. Masahiro Chigira) will still be instrumental in the session, I would like to send big kuddos from here to prof. Michel Jaboyedoff, prof. Denis Jongmans, prof. Vincenzo Del Gaudio, prof. Gilles Grandjean and Dr. Marc-Henri Derron.
Abstract deadline is January the 10th, while EGU travel grant support deadline is December the 1st (more info at http://egu2019.eu). Hope to see you there! |