2014.06 – EU Summer School on 3D techniques for landslide analysis and monitoring
Université Européenne d’Eté (UEE) 2014, N°1
en région Rhône-Alpes
16 au 20 Juin 2014 – Bernin, Grésivaudan (Isère)
This June we had the pleasure to carry out a summer school on 3D techniques (LiDAR and photogrammetry) for landslide analysis and monitoring.
We have been sharing a very dynamic course with 30 motivated participants with very different backgrounds: some of them doing research, other working such as consultants, risk managers, etc.
Thanks to the organizers, teaching team and to all the participants, it has been a very interesting week for me too.
More info on the program, calendar, etc here: http://www.risknat.org/pages/universites/session2014.html