2014.10 – Guest Professor at Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
I’ve been invited by my colleagues of Physical Geography Department – Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt to give some lectures at their institution (see their announcement here).
I will be there from October to December during a total period of four weeks.
Here I attach some data (DATA NO LONGER AVAILABLE, SORRY) that we will use for the courses of this week:
WEDNESDAY 26 Nov. Today we will learn some basics about CloudCompare for 3D point clouds visualization and tratment…. Then you will have some more time for applying this info to your own LiDAR or photogrammetric data
THURSDAY 27 November. Today we will be using Point Cloud free software for learning how to do comparison of 3D models for monitoring purposes..
Good luck and… enjoy!