2017.12 | New policy on open source code [Computers & Geosciences]
As a recently appointed member of the editorial board of Computers and Geosciences journal, I would like to share with you the new open-source policy that I totally support:
Computer code availability: For each software-accompanied submission, a compulsory software availability section is requested. Open-source code is both a way of ensuring reproducibility and an incentive for the distribution and re-use of research software.
New submissions should provide the following information: Name of code, developer and contact address, telephone number and e-mail, year first available, hardware required, software required, program language, program size, and details on how to access the source code.
Public repository: Upon acceptance of the manuscript, program code files will be placed on the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG) server for public access.
Interested? Take a look at the complete guide for authors here