2020 | Relevant landslide conferences next year in Japan

Hi there,

I just wanted to share with you about two relevant conferences that will take place next year in Japan.

First, I got invited as guest speaker at the “Fifth World Landslide Forum“, that will take place in Kyoto International Conference Center, Japan, between 2 and 6 November 2020, organised by the International Consortium on Landslides (ICL) and the ISDR-ICL Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025, with the following themes:

Theme 1: Sendai Partnerships 2015-2025 and Kyoto 2020 Commitment
Theme 2: Hazard and vulnerability mapping and zonation
Theme 3: Monitoring and early warning
Theme 4: Testing, modeling and risk assessment
Theme 5: Risk management, capacity development and country practices
Theme 6: Catastrophic landslides: causes and consequences
Theme 7: Frontiers of landslide science and innovative practices

Also, the RocExs2020  (7th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Rockfall Protection) will take place in the Conference Hall, Hokkaido University in in Sapporo, Japan during summer (betwen 15 an 18 June 2020). I was a guest speaker and chairman in the previous edition of RocExs in Barcelona (2017), so I know firsthand this is always a good place to be, some of the topics that will be covered this year include:

– Rockfall source identification and characterization
– Rockfall inventory and/or mapping
– Rockfall runout dynamics and impact mechanics
– New and emerging technologies in rockfall
– Hazard and risk analyses
– Rockfall modeling
– Monitoring and alert systems
– Mitigation and protective measures
– Large rockfalls and rock avalanches
– Case histories

Interested? Maybe see you there 🙂

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