2014.05 – Eurock 2014 Conference
The 2014 ISRM European Rock Mechanics Symposium (EUROCK 2014) was held in Vigo, Spain, on May 27-29, 2014. There, I have presented a research work carried out in collaboration with my colleagues from Univ. Barcelona Manuel Jesus Royan (which I’m currently co-supervising) and prof. Nue Vilaplana (my PhD supervisor during my PhD thesis in Barcelona, almost 5 years ago, time flies by the way…).
As a member of the scientific committee of the Eurock2014 conference, I’m very proud on how the conference was managed from my colleagues both form the University of Vigo and the Spanish National Group of the ISRM. It has also been a pleasure to discuss with my colleagues in Spain and all over the Europe. I hope most of the ongoing and new collaborations drafted during the conference will be successful.
I leave a link to a pdf copy of the conference’s program: http://eurock2014.serglo.es/uploadedFiles/EUROCK2014.84fhn/fileManager/PROGRAMA – OK – 042013_OC_Eurock_Programa_170x240_5.pdf . For those of you interested in our work, just send me an email